Featured publications

- Broadstock, M. 2024. Aotearoa New Zealand Autism Guideline: Supplementary Paper on sex/gender differences in the presentation of autistic characteristics. Christchurch: INSIGHT Research; 2024.
- Broadstock, M. 2023. Aotearoa New Zealand Autism Guideline: Supplementary Paper on the effectiveness of parent mediated approaches for autistic children. Christchurch: INSIGHT Research; 2023.
- Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People and Ministry of Education. 2022. New Zealand Autism Guideline: He Waka Huia Takiwātanga Rau: Third edition. Wellington: Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People
- Broadstock, M. 2022. New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline’s supplementary paper on the effectiveness of supports for autistic students in tertiary education. Christchurch: INSIGHT Research; 2022.
- Broadstock, M. 2021. New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline’s supplementary paper on the effectiveness of music therapy for young people on the autism spectrum. Christchurch: INSIGHT Research; 2021.
- Broadstock, M. 2021. New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline’s supplementary paper on the effectiveness of physical activity for people on the autism spectrum. Christchurch: INSIGHT Research; 2021.
- Broadstock, M. 2019. New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline’s supplementary paper on the effectiveness of strategies for supporting school transitions for young people on the autism spectrum. Christchurch: INSIGHT Research; 2019.
- Broadstock, M. 2019. New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline’s supplementary paper on the effectiveness of sexuality education for young people on the autism spectrum. Christchurch: INSIGHT Research; 2019.
- Broadstock, M. 2018. New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline supplementary paper on the impact of ethnicity on recognition, diagnosis, education, treatment and support for people on the autism spectrum. Christchurch: INSIGHT Research.
- Broadstock, M. 2018. Keeping it real: Updating the ASD Guideline. Altogether Autism Journal. Issue 2.
- Broadstock M. 2016. New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline supplementary paper on cognitive behaviour therapy for adults with ASD. Christchurch: INSIGHT Research.
- Broadstock M. 2015. New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline supplementary paper on social skills groups for children and young people with ASD. Christchurch: INSIGHT Research.
- Broadstock M. 2014. New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline supplementary paper on implications of DSM-5 for the diagnosis of ASD. Christchurch: INSIGHT Research.
- Broadstock M. 2013. New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline supplementary paper on gastrointestinal problems in young people with ASD. Christchurch: INSIGHT Research.
- Broadstock M. 2012. New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline supplementary paper on supported employment services. Wellington: New Zealand Guidelines Group.
- New Zealand Guidelines Group. (2011). A systematic review of three pharmacological interventions for the New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Living Guideline Group. Wellington: New Zealand Guidelines Group.
- Broadstock M. 2011. New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline supplementary paper on applied behavior analysis. Wellington: New Zealand Guidelines Group.
- New Zealand Guidelines Group. (2011). Management of Group A Streptococcal Sore Throat. Wellington: New Zealand Guidelines Group. (Author of Chapter 5 relating to community swabbing)
- New Zealand Guidelines Group. (2010). New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline Supplementary Evidence on Applied Behaviour Analysis. Wellington: New Zealand Guidelines Group.
- Broadstock, M. Assessment of currency of NZGG Guidelines. New Zealand Guidelines Group: Wellington, New Zealand. February 2010.
- Broadstock, M. (2009). Synthesis of recently published secondary literature on applied behaviour analysis. New Zealand Guidelines Group: Wellington, New Zealand.
- Broadstock, M; Lethaby, A. (2008). The effectiveness of applied behaviour analysis interventions for people with autism spectrum disorder. Systematic Review. New Zealand Guidelines Group: Wellington, New Zealand.
- Broadstock M, Brinson D, Weston A. (2008). The effectiveness of compulsory, residential treatment of chronic alcohol or drug addiction in non-offenders. HSAC Report; 1(1), 2008.
- Kerr, J; Broadstock, M; Day, P; Weir, R; Bidwell, S. (2007). Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Population Screening for Colorectal Cancer. NZMJ, 120 (1258).
- Broadstock, M., Doughty, C., Eggleston, M. (2007). Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Pharmacological Treatments for Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism; 11(4): 327-340.
- Broadstock, M. (2007). Systematic review of the health effects of modified smokeless tobacco products. NZHTA Report; 10(1), 1-110.
- Broadstock, M and Doughty, C. (2003). The effectiveness of pharmacological therapies for young people and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). NZHTA Report; 6(1).
- Broadstock, M. (2002) What is the safety of “pepper spray” use by law enforcement or mental health service staff? NZHTA Tech Brief Series.
- Broadstock, M. (2001) Effectiveness and cost effectiveness of automated and semi-automated devices for cervical screening: A systematic review of the literature. New Zealand Medical Journal. 114(1135):311-3.
- Broadstock, M. (2001) Liquid-based cytology - an alternative international view (Invited Editorial). Cytopathology: 12(3), June, 141-143
- Broadstock, M. (2001) Effectiveness and safety of drug interventions for rapid sedation: A systematic review of the literature. NZHTA Report; 4(1).
- Broadstock, M; Michie, S; Gray, J; Mackay, J; Marteau, T. (2000) Mutation searching in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer: Pilot study of the psychological consequences of search offer. Psycho-Oncology: 9, 537-548.
- Broadstock, M; Michie, S; Marteau, T. (2000) Psychological consequences of predictive genetic testing: A systematic review. European Journal of Human Genetics, 8: 731-738.
- Broadstock, M and Michie, S (2000). Processes of patient decision making: theoretical and methodological issues. Psychology and Health. 15(2), 191-204.
- Nicholas, B; Broadstock, M. (1999). Effectiveness of early interventions for preventing mental illness in young people: A critical appraisal of the literature. NZHTA Report; 2(3).
- Broadstock, M; Borland, R. (1998) Using information for emotion-focused coping: Cancer patients' use of a cancer helpline. British Journal of Health Psychology, 3: 319-332.
- Broadstock, M.J; Hill, D (1997) Evaluation and impact of promotion of a cancer helpline to cancer patients through their specialists. Patient Education and Counseling 32: 141-146.
- Broadstock, M., Borland, R., & Hill, D. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Reported Behaviours Relevant to Sun Protection and Suntanning in Adolescents, Psychology and Health, 11(6), 1995.
- Broadstock M, Borland R, Gason R. (1992) Effects of suntan on judgements of healthiness and attractiveness by adolescents. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 22(2): 157-172.
- Health warnings and contents labelling on tobacco products. (1992). Centre for Behavioural Research in Cancer. Melbourne: Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria.
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